Hay muy pocos informes acerca de la asociación de anemia drepanocítica y diabetes mellitus. Se ha discutido la posibilidad de que la concurrencia de diabetes con drepanocitosis homocigota tenga relación con la mayor esperanza de vida de los pacientes falcémicos. Hasta donde hemos podido investigar, no encontramos casos de ocurrencia sincrónica de drepanocitosis, mieloma múltiple y diabetes mellitus. Se reporta un caso en el que esto ocurrió y se discuten sus posibles explicaciones. Palabras clave: mieloma múltiple, anemia drepanocítica, diabetes mellitus.
Palabras clave: diabetes mellitus, mieloma múltiple, anemia drepanocítica
There are a few reports of the association of sickle cell disease and diabetes mellitus but there are no satisfactory explanations for the uncommon association of these two diseases. One explanation is that the majority of patients with sickle cell anemia died early, therefore, a relatively small number of patients survived for the clinical manifestation of diabetes. The association of sickle cell disease, diabetes mellitus and multiple myeloma, to the best of our knowledge has not been reported before; we describe here the association of these three conditions. Key words: Multiple myeloma, sickle-cell disease, anemia, diabetes mellitus.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus, Multiple myeloma, anemia, sickle-cell disease